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iQ-LASIK 安全 非球面 世界最快速 (近視1200度,只需27秒...誰與爭鋒?!) 55000

iQ-LASIK Hrvard (Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary) 同級 (以下摘錄自MEEI 網站)

Wavelight Allegretto Eye-Q Excimer Laser
Wavelight Allegretto Eye-Q Excimer Laser is the first new laser to receive approval in the United States since 1999.
It is the fastest laser system in the United States today, using PerfectPulse Technology to safely and accurately control every single laser pulse from start to finish. The system was designed to perfection based on knowledge and experience. It represents a new generation of refractive technology conducting High Performance Vision Correction that patients can rely on night and day.
The Wavelight Allegretto Eye-Q Excimer Laser offers a customized treatment that incorporates wavefront principles to patients with nearsightedness and even farsightedness.
Every procedure is tailored to the patients’ corneal curvature and refraction with the intention to preserve the natural aspheric cornea shape and to maintain or improve quality of vision and visual acuity. 

Intralase® (Femtosecond Laser)

IntraLase® is an all laser approach to vision correction. For certain vision disorders and corneal anatomy, this less invasive, computer controlled approach allows the physician to achieve more precise correction. "
Wavelight Allegretto Eye-Q excimer laser
*為400 Hz excimer laser,  一百度只需兩秒、創新NeuroTrack防眼自旋主動追蹤、全眼非球面切削 
*所有準分子雷射皆為奈米雷射(波長:193奈米紫外線C)  All excimer lasers are UV-C laser with a wavelength 193nm. 
*前導波優化的設計,形成 "大而真實的非球面光學區" 與 "極小的過渡區",產生較佳的白天與夜間視力,有效減少夜間眩光。
Wavefront Optimized treatments result in a large true aspheric optical zone and a minimized transition zone. This leads to better mesopic and scotopic vision ( the pupil enlarged, for example, at night or in twilight). Postoperative glare and halos are minimized.
Q-LASIK 非球面極速LASIK 35000
Wavefront-optimized (極速非球面)         
Topolyzer guided (T-CAT, 角膜前導波)   
Analyzer guided  (A-CAT, 全眼前導波)   
iQ-LASIK 無刀非球面極速LASIK 55000
Q: 何謂無刀雷射?
A: 目前所有"無刀"雷射皆為"飛秒"雷射(波長:1053~1064奈米近紅外線),不產生熱能;有別於會產熱的遠紅外線。利用氣泡擴張,達到角膜組織分離的效果。氣泡太小,分離效果不彰。
At present, all blade-free lasers are femtosecond-infrared light  with wavelength 1053~1065nm. There are two types: (1) bubble visible (transparent) type, (2) bubble invisible (blind) type : only the movable laser head can be seen, similar to traditional microkerotome, surprise  with adverse result happens. 

從裡到外, 由上而下, 22項高科技檢查,全方位診測您的靈魂之窗    6,000 (雙眼) 
Eye check-up (Reservation required): from inside to outside, from top to bottom, high-tech exams more than 20 items, thoroughly diagnosing your “windows of soul”. 

(Alcon Infinity IP & AMO Signature 超音波雙雄)
   單焦點球面軟式人工水晶體       不需自付額
   單焦點非球面軟式人工水晶體    單眼需自付 30,000元
   多焦點非球面軟式人工水晶體    單眼需自付 60,000元

@ 掛號費:200
眼鏡、角膜塑型鏡片: 75
自費檢查項目(含明眸健診) :9